AQA meetings are inspiring and fun! We schedule guest and member speakers who present new and intriguing techniques and ideas.
Please consider joining us. Membership is $40 per year. Drop in to visit one meeting for free.
2231 North High St, Columbus, Ohio 43201 at Northwood & High Building, Northwood Art Space, Room 100,
We usually meet the 2nd Sunday of each month. Schedule and location varies due to holidays.
Social Time 1:30 - 2:00 pm
Meeting 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Please park in the lot behind the building in parking spaces labeled P or Parking for Rardin Clinic. All the other spaces may be ticketed by OSU.
Welcome Back from our summer break. Show and tell of summer projects,
Member Becky Dickson will present a SAQA Trunk Show.
Guest artist Stephanie Rond will talk about her work.
Holiday celebration! Member Donalee Kennedy will present Vikki Conley's photography tips for showing our artwork in the best way possible.
Creative technique mini-workshop with member Beth Schillig. Beth will demonstrate her flat dyeing technique.
Member Deb Baillieul will get us started with improvisational compositions by handstitching collages.
Guest speaker Grace Johnson will do a presentation on Botanical Printing.
End of year celebration. Bring your President's Challenge Quilts.